iHomeCoffee.com 烘豆機

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Drink home roasted coffee at your favorite flavors. It’s easy. Just make cloud computing based IoT do all the roasting.

Title description, Aug 1, 2020
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You might embrace one cup a day with no more than four months of the coffee budget in Starbucks. This investment includes the expense in the equipments and four months of raw beans. Why not get technology elevate your taste of drinking coffee and to decrease life pressure. Add a cup of rice to a cup of water and an electric pot will cook for you . Similarly, coffee roasting is done with a package of raw coffee plus a procedure! Want to drink brand-shop￾like hand coffee every day?Roast it by yourself and you can surely make it happen.

iHomeCoffee Functions

Title description, Aug 1, 2020
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⼀天⼀杯,⽤不到四個⽉的星巴克咖啡預算,就能擁抱極品咖啡了!這個投資可包括了設備和四個 ⽉的⽣⾖費⽤喔!讓科技來提升喝咖啡的品味和減輕⽣活的壓⼒吧! 電鍋煮飯是⼀杯米加⼀杯⽔即可!咖啡烘焙也可以是⼀包⽣⾖⼀個烘焙程序就⾏了!想喝名店般的 ⼿沖咖啡嗎?⾃烘就能天天喝喔! 喝咖啡的四個注意:低瑕疵⽣⾖、近期烘焙、現磨、現沖。⼀杯咖啡的好壞:⽣⾖佔六、烘焙佔三、 沖泡佔⼀。這個好壞不僅是風味,更是影響健康的關鍵! 來吧!為品味為健康為荷包!都是天經地義的!給個郵件 [email protected] ,讓我們來帶您!

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